Children constitute 36 per cent of Indias population and it is a field of operation shame that bulk of them exempt suffer from malnutrition, poverty, disease, cruel evolution through forced babe labour and beggary and on top of either, illiteracy. Hundreds of thousands of peasantren roam the passs without homes or families to go back to and you dissolve see them in plenty in the avenues. Is it not a matter of monumental shame that of the 30 one thousand thousand street children worldwide, 11 million argon in India, leading a wretched life, ill-clad and hungry, sleeping on the pavements, picking rags, begging or allowing themselves to be exploited in different trades or occupations. much(prenominal) against their wishes street children argon also dragged into the Mafia underworld as drug pushers. They be shunned by all-pargonnts, society and government. Huge sums ar spent every year in Indian and at international meets to focus on the plight of the child, but m illions of children chill out continue to live a miserable life. The only mete out they get is to ones of lip-sympathy. One of the worst forms of child exploitation is child labour and India has the largest number of child labourers in the world-one-third of those under the season of 16 are forced to constitute, often in the most dreadful conditions.

Many children have to work for ample hours and are physically abused. As many as 73 million children representing 13 per cent of the child population in the 10-14 long time of age group are work in all kinds of jobs in different parts of the world. Even t his innovation expertness be a gross under! estimate, according to the multinational poke Organisation (ILO). Do we have the statistics of the number of working children who are less than ten years and the number of girls act in full-time domestic work? In cobwebby order of numbers, Asia tops the list with 44.6 million children at work followed by Africa with 23.6 million and Latin America with 5.1 million. The ILO report estimates that 14.4 per cent of children in...If you destiny to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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